Saint’s Bistro Craft Beer Festival

by | 13 Oct 2016

Last Saturday Featherstone represented at Saints’ Bistro’s second craft beer festival.

After a worry about bad weather, the day turned out to be sunny and satisfyingly good beer-drinking weather.

Saints gave Featbeer-fest-glassesherstone a dedicated bar, and we had a chance to put our new mobile draught unit into full action, after a quick test-drive of the system at the Rhino Run in Kenton-on-Sea a few weeks back. The ever-popular Golden Mole IPA, and our Bell Ringer Pale Ale were the obvious choices for the draught, and kept the crowds coming back for more.

Featherstone also used the event to get some feedback on two new beers which we will be releasing soon: an English Ale and a Porter. The general consesus can be aptly summed up by one consumer’s comment, “Oh, wow! Man that’s good.” Then handing his glass of the English ale to his wife he said, “Taste that and tell me it isn’t the best thing you’ve ever tasted.” She simply couldn’t agree, however. She was too busy declaring the Porter the best.

Golden Mole is still available on tap at Saints’ Bistro this week.